Wednesday, September 26, 2007

on texting

am noticing how i can jump to conclusions so easily. how important tone is and visual cues. how much i rely on reading body language, energy.

have been conducting a lot of business via texting. sometimes, it’s hard for me because my biases and neuroses can (and often do) color the way i read something. there’s a lot for me to look at there. (leaning in, Mitra!)

is so and so mad? annoyed? how mad? how annoyed? for what? because of that one thing? that one that one time? or that other thing that other time?

ugh. round and and round, an exercise in futility.
‘til i say, wait.


be still.


where is this coming from?

read the text again.

what does it actually say?

what did i think it said?

what do i think it says now?

what does it actually say?

am also noticing my process. this is an old, old hurty. and she is healing. from the inside out. takes time. and willingness. and patience. and humility. and time.

then, there’s the whole texting etiquette to master. when to reply. when not to reply. when to ignore. once in a while, i get random texts. last night’s, “lyk u daw kamote? na dahon?” (ignore.)

Jim sent me a package of documents from the states. i had him send it to the TOS office, since i’ve been between addresses. the dhl delivery guy and i exchanged umpteen texts regarding directions and delivery instructions because i wasn’t going to be there. after he delivered the package to the office, he texted back, introducing himself. “ako po si noli. pwede tayo maging friends?” (ignore. though, have to admit was intrigued.)

then there’s also texting language.
chocol8 = chocolate
cge = sige
tau = tayo
gud am = good morning

those are easy ones. tagalog text language. naku. palagi, nalilito ako. sometimes, even when i show native tagalog speakers some of these texts, they can’t even decipher them. then, i don’t feel so bad.

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