Thursday, September 6, 2007

sexy fruit

have been eating a lot of fruit lately. sexy fruit actually. like mangosteen. there's something about the color of the inside "shell." this shockingly bright magenta. it mesmorizes me, and i'm grateful to see it everytime. my eyes are immediately drawn in deep. such a contrast to the dull dusty purple outside. i don't mind that it stains my hands sometimes. often.

i love the soft crunch sound that i feel when i crack the mangosteen open. it just takes a slight twist of the wrist and it's like a whole world is yielded to me.

amidst all of that pink-magenta, the round sections of bright white are nestled, a perfect fit. my favorites are the little sections with no seeds. i pop them into my mouth, let my tongue feel their smoothness, and delight at the sweet and earthy tang of their juice.

guayobano is another one. bought one three days ago. it's been ripening on the counter. hard, dull green transformed to a soft and accomodating greenish charcoal. insides are also white, though creamy white.

i pull of sections of it very easily off the skin. milky colored juice runs down the inside of my forearm. tangy sweetness again, though this time with a brightness that tastes faintly of green apples.

i love the bright black shiny seeds encapsulated in that fibrous flesh. they are so pretty and smooth. i line them up like lovers.

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