Friday, February 8, 2008


ate it fresh for the first time the other day.
atsaka biodynamic pala.

bagong favorite ko na ito.

how do you eat it, i asked?
"it's easy," said Reimon.

score it like this.
pull it apart.
open up the white membrane thingy.
scoop it out with a spoon and eat it in one bite, seeds and all.

the fruit is surprisingly...greyish.
parang brains daw.
oo, tama.
reminds me of that one john cusack movie where his mom makes this dinner that sprouts legs and crawls away.

but, the taste.
it's so googey.
and sweet.
and distinct.
and round.
the seeds are crunchy and their acidity balance the sweet.
i like the feel of my teeth crunching the seeds.
i expect them to be harder than they really are.
pleased that they aren't.
i make myself stop after three.
sarap talaga.

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