Friday, January 16, 2009

rest, Dear

this is what i want to say to you.
because you are too tired to think of this on your own.
and it is understandable, Dearest, with everything that you've undergone, everything that you go through.
the places you choose to put yourself...
it's more than most would do.

be kind and gentle with yourself.
i know it's tempting to check out.
and eat.
and fuck.
and drink.

but, don't.

rest, Dear.
i love you.
you are worthy of love.
if i could, i would come out from between these words on this screen,
and i would wrap my arms around you.
and i would pat your head.
and together, we would rock gently, into the rhythm of the wind or the stream.
and i would help you forget.

or rather, i would help you remember.
you are a child of the Light.

i know you are confused.
and tired.
and i know there are others asking you for help.
you must help yourself right now.

go Home to your place.
sleep in your own bed.
yes, it will be dusty.
you've been gone for a month.

wake up early tomorrow.
and clean.
and heal.

and cry.
and heal.

and heal.
and heal.

and heal.
and heal.

and heal.

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